This half term the name of our topic has been ‘All Things Bright and Beautiful!’ As part of their topic, Year 1 have been finding out more about the world around them.
Year 1 have been scientists, finding out more about our daily weather. As scientists we can observe and record the daily weather on a chart or in a table. We have been able to name a range of different types of weather from pictures or sounds and can describe some positive and negative effects of the weather for ourselves and our environment.


As geographers we have been able to name and locate the four countries of the United Kingdom on a map or globe. We used our knowledge of this to help us to create weather reports! Here we are presenting to the rest of the class!


In English our focus has been on non-fiction texts. We have been able to identify the features of non-fiction texts and look at examples.


We have explored ways to present facts we have researched using books and the internet. We used the Phoster app to create some posters about wild animals using facts we had found out.