On Friday 11th March 2016 we spent the day learning all about Fairtrade. The morning started with our parents coming in to share a Fairtrade breakfast with us! It was nice to have a chocolate and banana muffin along with a cup of warm hot chocolate! Our parents joined us in class, where we had already started to create some fabulous drawings of Fairtrade related products which we will put together to make a Fairtrade collage. Our Fairtrade representatives gave a small speech outlining what Fairtrade is and why it is so important to spend time learning about it. We participated in an activity where we looked at how much money Fairtrade farmers actually get and how much we feel they should be paid. We were very shocked with our findings. We identified where in the world a variety of Fairtrade products come from and created our own world map. We used some Fairtrade products to create chocolate brownies and lemonade! They were so delicious and easy to make! We created a Fairtrade leaflet to provide other children (and adults) with all they need to know about Fairtrade. We really enjoyed all the activities we participated in and hope to buy more Fairtrade products in the future.