Events at Christmas!

Have a look at our key events which are happening over Christmas this year. This page will be regularly updated up to the end of the term to ensure parents are kept updated. 


Friday 30th November 

Volunteers are needed to help create Christmas Hampers from 9am onwards. 


Monday 3rd December 

Christmas Hampers go on sale today, £1 per strip.


Friday 7th December 

We have booked a whole school cinema outing for all pupils on Friday 7th December 2018. We will be visiting The Vue Cinema in Bury to watch the new Grinch movie. On the day we will have an early lunch and all pupils will be provided with a drink and snack at the cinema. We will dismiss pupils as normal at 3.15pm on the day.



Tuesday 11th and Wednesday 12th December

Pupils from Foundation Stage and KS1 are invited to our Supper with Santa event which will run over two nights on Tuesday 11th and Wednesday 12th December. The cost of the event is £4 and each child will receive a sandwich, crisps, biscuits, drink and gift from Santa. The event will run from 4-5pm and all permission slips and payment should be returned by Friday 30th December 2018.

Tuesday 11th December

Year 3-6 are invited to our KS2 Christmas Movie Night on Tuesday 11th December. Please return consent and payment by Friday 30th November. Pupils will be watching Nativity 3.


Thursday 13th December 

Parents are invited into classes to take part in Christmas themed activities, listen to stories, have a look round the school library and enjoy refreshments. The event will start at 2pm.

Monday 17th December 

KS1 production for parents called Songs around the Christmas Tree at 2pm.