During Spring 2 Reception learnt all about dragons, knights and castles. We started off the topic by finding some dragon's eggs and talking about what we already knew about them. We looked at the book 'The Little Dragon.' The week after a big dragon visited us and we wrote our own story about the dragon. 

We then labelled a dragon and talked about the similarities and differences between a dragon and ourselves. We discussed ways in which we needed to keep healthy and safe. 

After discussing the features of a dragon we worked together to make our own dragon. We split into different groups and talked about the ideas we had before creating a dragon altogether. 


To end our topic we had a castle day. We talked about the different people that would be in a castle and discussed the jobs they did. We all participated in some joisting and had a castle banquet in the hall. It was a great way to end the term and we all had a fantastic day.