Dear Parent/Carers,


During the week beginning 5th February, we will be supporting awareness of mental health by joining in with Children’s Mental Health Week.


This year the theme is ‘My Voice Mattes’ and during the week children will be engaging in assemblies, lessons and workshops.


On Thursday 8th February, at 2.15pm, we would like to invite parents in to spend some time in your child’s class, taking part in an activity with them. If you are able to come, just turn up on the day at the main entrance.


On Friday all children will be taking part in a fundraising ‘express yourself’ day. They can come in their won clothes and will take part in a range of fun activities in the hall.


Any donations for the mental health charity Place2Be can be made via Parent Pay neared the day. You will receive a text about this.


Below is the link to the website, where you can find out information about the week and other ways of support your child’ mental health.  There is also a leaflet attached.



We thank you for supporting us in helping children to understand that mental health matters.